About us
So people kept waxing on about a marketing position. Maybe we should talk about our belief in the body as a garden, the yogic nature of the wind, or some other dreamy eye/thought candy with pastel colours and goodlooking-but-relatable models.
But we reckon that's all a bit steep. Cutting through the noise we're a company of Londoners who are really into healthy living and the health benefits of cannabis, so we wrote a few things down that made us smile and maybe it'll do the same for you.
We're so London our shop in Camden Town is three streets away from our childhood home.
We're so London we had to move across the river to afford the rent.
We're so London our core staff are three Brits, a German, a Moldovan and a Lithuanian.
We're so London we cycle to work, despite Zone 2 traffic, to reduce our carbon footprint.
We're so London we drink three cups of tea a day, but only ever with oat milk.
We're so London we named our children after poets.
We're so London ashwagandha is yesterday's news.
We're so London we hired a shaman as a store manager.
And we're so London half our staff are on retreat (one of them is in a treehouse).
That's about it: we're LDN CBD. We're a collection of misfits that make up a good part of this wonderful city and we know what it's like to live in a place where it's important to look after yourself as well as the people around you. So we dedicate ourselves to making world-class cannabis products because we know people need it and we think that might just be enough.
If you're in town swing by the shop to say hi, and if you're somewhere else you can reach out to us every day on +44 (0)20 3289 1968 and contact@ldncbd.com
Signed, LDN and the CBD gang